Crystal Clear CSM as a self-cleaning saltwater chlorinator: How it works?
Nowadays, many people are choosing self-cleaning chlorinators for their backyard. If you are not aware of it, then keep reading to know how a self-cleaning saltwater chlorinator works. Crystal Clear CSM is considered to be the new trend among the self-cleaning saltwater chlorinator that is providing many benefits to the users. Let’s dive into understanding its basics and work process.
What are the basics of Saltwater Chlorinator that you must know?
It is important for you to know the reason behind the requirement for cleaning in the first place. In general, a chlorinator runs a current through its electrodes or cell that helps to transform the salt into sodium hypochlorite, which is considered to be a safer chlorine type. Next, the pool gets sanitized with sodium hypochlorite, and the remaining things turn back into salt. The same process or cycle again restarts. The whole process is fairly efficient at its work and depends on your saltwater chlorinator efficiency, where you need to add salt between 1 or 2 times a year.
How does a self-cleaning chlorinator work?
Your pool water has some minerals like silicate, calcium, and other minerals that get charged positively when saltwater chlorinator cells operate with a negative charge. It can be said that it’s an opposite attraction. According to scientific principles, ions with the same polarities will push back each other and ions with opposite charges will attract each other. In the same way, the self-cleaning salt chlorinator or Crystal Clear CSM works effectively inside the pool. Based on the model, the polarity of the electrodes may get reversed on a schedule, manually, or automatically, which can lead to the same results where the positive polarity will push back the positively charged mineral particles and prevent the scale formation on the electrodes. As a result, your saltwater chlorinator will start running effectively at an optimal level.
Do you require cleaning self-cleaning chlorinators or Crystal Clear CSM?
Yes, self-cleaning does not mean you do not have to pay attention to it. It has been observed that the polarity trick reversing can work when different minerals have not latched on the elements. Thus, you can see some kind of scale on your saltwater chlorinator. Here, the major difference you can see is with self-cleaning chlorinators, where it’s easy to remove and clean the accumulated plates.
Overall, Crystal Clear CSM, as a self-cleaning saltwater chlorinator, can give you great performance compared to the old chlorinator.
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